Located in green valleys near Foster, Wisconsin, we practice stewardship of land, body and soul.
We believe in quality and craftsmanship, whether nurturing future generations, churning ice cream, bottling organic milk or handcrafting artisan cheeses in our farmstead creamery.
To ensure exceptional quality we oversee product creation...from contented cows in organic pastures, to our natural and nutritious dairy products.
Castle Rock Organic Farms was established to serve the health conscious, passionate and loyal customer.
High standards formed by European and Scandinavian immigrants, creating the opportunity for a lifestyle that satisfies both earthly and spiritual needs.
By feeding the soil properly and allowing crops to feed on enriched soil, our animals become servants passing on essential nutrients to ourselves.
We are a MOSA (Midwest Organic Services Association Inc.) certified organic farm; raising the crops we feed our animals.
We respect the relationship between the soil health, plants, animals and people. Our animals lead a relaxing life.
We give our animals plenty of living space, fresh air and sunshine and we do not give artificial hormones or antibiotics.
Subsequently, no pesticides are used on any of our farm land.
We strive to keep our farm as sustainable as possible and our animals healthy.
If intervention is needed we use homeopathic methods.
As we journey into our fifth generation of farmers we continue to educate one another about the importance of the family farm. God willing our future generations will carry on our work and respect the relationship of all involved.
When you buy from us you help support sustainable agriculture, locally produced organic dairy products and the family farm.
May you, as a valued customer, become part of our extended farm family.
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